Thank you so much, SJ.
Homemaker on a Dime
Here are the guidelines when receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
So, I have completed #1 above, now on to more exciting things in life! I'm going to share 7 awesome things about myself :) Enjoy:
Homemaker on a Dime
Here are the guidelines when receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
So, I have completed #1 above, now on to more exciting things in life! I'm going to share 7 awesome things about myself :) Enjoy:
1. Hello, My name is Courtney and I am a wife and mother in wonderful Montgomery, TX. Birthplace of the Texas Flag. Matt and I have been married since July, 2010 and we have Riley, our 15 month YOUNG daughter.
Me, Riley and Matt December 2010 Galleria Area, Houston
2. I am currently a Junior at Sam Houston State University. I graduated high school on a Saturday in May 2005 and Started at Sam the FOLLOWING Tuesday. I am a General Agriculture major while minoring in Secondary Education. I plan on teaching high school agriculture. To gain teaching experience I often substitute teach in our local school district. My first ever sub job was a long term position in a 3rd grade classroom teaching Language Arts, Social Studies, and Reading. These kids' original teacher up and quit 3 weeks into the school year. They were already three weeks behind the other third graders. I had no prior teaching experience AT ALL and was able to get them caught up within a week. That felt awesome. Also, I'm now that school's favorite sub and get jobs regularly Yay! :)
Eat 'Em Up Kats! Agricultural Education Logo
3. I just went through my most heart wrenching motherhood experience (So far. I know, I'm still new at this...and there are others out there with worse stories, but poo poo... this is MY baby!) January 23rd, I noticed Riley's left eye was clouded over. The next day she had a well-baby check up scheduled so I mentioned it to her pediatrician. He told me it could be a TUMOR! I was in official freak-out mode. My side of the family has a long history of cancer. Luckily for us, we were sent to a pediatric eye specialist at Texas Children's where Riley's eye was officially diagnosed to have a cataract. However, she would need surgery immediately so she would have a chance at regaining vision in that eye. That was February 1st. All of the week inbetween the initial visit and the surgery I was an emotional wreck. You can read about her surgery day HERE and find out all's well that ends well :)
Riley right after cataract removal surgery
4. I have two part-time businesses of my own. I am an independent consultant for Arbonne International. I have been a consultant since 2007. I love how all of their products are botanically based and that when I wash my face with their FC5 product my face actually FEELS clean! Next, I am a part time photographer. You can see some of my work HERE. My husband chides me for having more cameras that anyone he knows. And I am forever playing with images in PS.
5. I will eat green beans STRAIGHT out of a can. There is no greater love of veggies for me :)
6. The worst day of my life was 2008, when my little brother died from a single car accident October 21. However, the best day (so far) is 364 days later on October 20 when Riley was born :)
My favorite photo of my brother and I. His senior year HS, the first high school football game we got to watch together, outside of band.
Riley, day after she was born
7. I have done A LOT of extra curricular activities. In high school, I was in Marching Band (Flute) where I was flute section manager for 2 years and social committee's president for my senior year. I was in FFA where I showed Rabbits and was FFA Secretary my junior and senior years.
My dad, brother, me, & Mom my senior year, brother's freshman year. Best year ever!
Cody, Mr. D., Kim, & me (with rabbit)
In college, I did SHSU's Beef Cattle Show Team where we showed Angus cattle. I think I went to every show for 4 semesters straight... wore me out! I also was secretary of the Horse Judging Team, member of SHSU Block and Bridle club... I THINK that is all I did... Now, even though I'm still in school, I'm no longer a member of any clubs. Well, I am a member of a different kind of club. It's the Wife & Mother's Club! Ha!
So, There is task #2, telling you seven things about myself. Now, I must pass this award onto 15 bloggers that I find to be awesome. If only I knew 15 bloggers! I will complete this task as I visit blogs :) Watch as the list grows!
I use airbonne. Love it. So glad your baby is doing better. We just love our kids so much, I think we hurt more than they do when something goes wrong.
ReplyDeleteGreen beans? Really? Those have to be my least fave...