was a blog floating around Pinterest where a list of questions were compiled so
that you and your husband (significant other) could get to know each other a
little better. Like the author of this blog, I thought it would be neat to
answer them so that my children could get a little insight about their momma!
So that is what I have done. It was originally 30 questions, but I have pared
it down for myself. I hope you enjoy following along with me
is part one of four
20 random facts about yourself.
love getting snail mail. It's the best feeling in the world knowing that
someone took the time to write you a personal letter. I wish all my snail mail wasn't
junk, though. If you feel like writing, I’d love a pen pal!
like road trips. But I don't like the getting there part if I'm not driving.
When we used to DRIVE to TN to see mom's family, I would sleep the ENTIRE way
there, only waking up to eat or to go to the bathroom. That's like a 14 hour
trip, mind you! But, if I'm driving, I love it! I can look at the scenery go by
and sit in silence without radio or other people and be perfectly content! But
I get super cranky if I'm just a passenger

love to wear Heels! It makes me feel way confident in myself and makes my posture
better too
used to LOVE Hershey's Kisses. But then I tasted Dove Chocolate and no other
chocolate tastes good anymore.
usually not a picky eater. BUT... lately I'm finding out that I actually AM!
Tastes definitely change over time. The only beans I eat are Pork and beans and
Green beans! Everything else is a no no. I hate mushrooms. I used to Love
scrambled eggs. Now I gag at the sight of them. They are disgusting. Any egg.
They are only good for baking with! I absolutely can't stand pickles, onions,
or mustard. I will NOT touch anything remotely spicy either. And this isn't the
entire list either... However, since marrying my husband, I’ve had to become a
little more forgiving towards food. If he cooks, I have to be willing to try it
once. I have found that I like HIS way of cooking scrambled eggs:)
destined to be near some sort of body of water. I don't know what I would do
without beautiful Lake Conroe . I love going out and just
sitting and watching the boats go by. It's sooo calming. We did live in a condo
on the lake for about a year. It was so nice!

once had red hair for about a month. I LOVED it. I think I'm going to try
blonde the next time I'm feeling adventurous!!

don't watch television on my own anymore. The only time I watch it is if I am
with someone else and they are watching it. There are sooo many other things to
do that it is pointless to sit in front of the TV wasting time!
am learning new recipes to cook. I love cooking. I love when I have made
something and other people find it absolutely wonderful! It is so gratifying.
I go out to eat, I usually don't try new things. I tend to stick to the same
entrees. For example, at Roadhouse, I order the rib eye with a salad and mashed
potatoes. At any Italian restaurant, I order some sort of shrimp alfredo. At
Mexican food restaurants, I order cheese enchiladas, no beans. At Seafood
places, it’s ALMOST always fried catfish.
taught myself how to Knit, crochet and how to embroider. BUT, I have no
patience to sit and do either one continuously till completion. How sad.
once had 78 pairs of shoes. I went through EVERY SINGLE ONE and decided that I didn't
wear several anymore and that some just didn't fit anymore. I now have 15. That’s
such a small number compared to 78! But, on the bright side, I do have more
floor space now! Lol
have a list of about 200 books that I must read that I am trying to work
through. I love to read. This list is growing ever so long... so I should be
set for life on reading material!
and I were only officially dating a month before Rooster came along. It was
devastating at the time and I hated making my momma sad over my indiscretions.
Matt and I are very adamant that we will make this marriage work. I feel that
we still got married out of love and never because we had a baby together. I believe
Riley was sent to me to help my family in a difficult time. She was born the
day before the one-year anniversary of my little brother’s death. I am so
incredibly grateful to God for sending her!

will eat green beans straight out of a can. I love them so much!
have my own craft business called Doodle Bugs & Daisies. I make dresses for
little girls as well as other crafty items as I see fit.
anatomy is my guiltiest pleasure. Even though I don’t like to watch TV, I could
watch this all day long!
husband and I are currently doing the Insanity workout program by Shaun T. It
really is insane, but I really do love it. It helps that Matt and I are our
biggest motivators to each other!
always been super busy in school. High school, I was in FFA , Band and Model UN. I was
an officer in FFA and Band my 10th, 11th, 12th grade years. In college, I was
a member of most Agriculture EC activities, even an officer of a couple of
them. Needless to say I’ve been a very busy student.
of college, I am majoring in agriculture while minoring in Secondary Education.
I want to be a high school Ag teacher one day. Unfortunately, I seem to be
making a career out of school. This is going on my 8th year of
college. I can hardly see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I am
determined to finish. One day…
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