Here's another Shabby Blog Link Party!!
{Top 10 on Tuesday}
The Rules:
1. Keep it family-friendly y'all.
2. Please only link to your blog if you are actually posting
about the top ten list topic we are giving you. We are sure your dog is
adorable and your homemade curtains turned out awesome, but this link party is for
those participating in our top ten list challenges only.
3. If you join our link party, please include the image
below in your post.
Today's Top 10 topic is:
Top 10 Musicians!
Wow, talk about a killer topic! How am I supposed to narrow down all my favorites into a top ten? I don't think I could narrow it down to a top one hundred! But alas, here we go (in NO particular order!):

I've never heard of a few of those, but country doesn't usually float my boat. ;-) I can definitely get on board with Incubus, though! Great list!
Angela's Favorite Things
I've always listened to sooo many different genres and musicians that I can hardly ever pinpoint a favorite. I generally gravitate toward older country or "Texas" country. Can't stand much of the new stuff! Thanks for stopping by :)