Good morning, friends! The internet is down at our home. So I haven't been able to truly update in a few days.
My demonic phone:
I turn my phone on silent through out the school day. I don't want to take the chance of my phone going off during a class. I would be absolutely MORTIFIED. Well, as usual, I put my phone's ringer on silent before even getting out of my truck to walk to campus. I clicked it all the way down AND even clicked the "set" button. Like usual, you know? I even SEE that the ringer is off by way of the little silent ringer icon. Twenty minutes into class and my phone starts ringing. LOUD! I quickly reach into my purse, apologizing to my prof the whole time, this time turning my phone OFF. I watched it power down all together. No sooner do I turn it off, that it starts to ring for a new voicemail. While it's OFF! I mean, what the heck!? I just turned it off. I'm absolutely mortified and embarrassed so I just grab my whole purse and walk out the door. When I got out of the classroom, I try to click on "listen to voicemail" but it won't let me! Because, it is indeed "off." I had to disconnect the battery entirely. Oh, but then, once it turned back on, it said I had no new voicemails. Rediculous! I am due for a phone upgrade in May and I cannot wait! Sheesh! How embarassing!
My shelf:
My shelf that I posted about when my sheet music wreath was completed is finally done! I can't wait to show you what it looks like. It's just as I imagined and even better! My dad had the awesome idea of adding door/base board trim to the bottom. He did that after I left the other night and when I was over at their home yesterday to see it, it looked absolutely amazing! My daddy is such a wonderful and talented carpenter :) Now all that is left is painting or staining it. But after the morning I had searching for something to wear, I may just leave it be so that it can hurry up and be used!
Rooster and her contact:
Well, so far the easiest day of contacts with Riley has been the very first day with the optometrist. The day we took it out and put it back in on our own was way worse. It took a loooong time for me to do the task. Then, Sunday night it took about an hour and a half for me to get it back out! I simply don't have the patience for this. I pray for God to help me with this area of my life daily. Pray for me to have patience, please. It's absolutely heart-wrenching knowing that I'm causing that baby to be scared and hurting. I wish I could make her understand that it is a necessary evil in order for her to have better vision in the long run.
Happy Tuesday :)